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Attention Principals and Administrators!

At we recognize that many of our finest educators lack the skills and time required to create quality online Judaic Studies content.

Thus, why not consider letting develop interactive course content for your school? Currently, we are seeking to organize a cohort of schools that are willing to share the initial start up costs associated with developing such professional materials and to place them online. The development of such materials would be guided by the most current educational research and at the same time be designed to meet the needs of a Jewish day school student. For the cost of one thousand dollars a month, your school can become a partner in this groundbreaking revolution. For more information, please contact us.





  • Get professionally developed Judaic Studies content
  • Easily customizable to meet the needs of your school
  • Courses can be created for Chumash, Navi, Dinim, Jewish Holidays, Mishnah, Talmud, Safa - or any other subject.
  • Click here to check out our sample courses

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