Hello Betzalel
The year is 2449 on the Biblical calendar. It is the tenth day of Tishrei and everyone is anxious. When will Moshe Rabbeinu descend from Mount Sinai? This is Moshe's third forty day trip up the mountain to plead before God so that He forgive the Jewish nation for the sin of the Golden Calf. Has God forgiven the Jews yet? 
Suddenly, in the distance a figure appears. It looks like Moshe! Yes, it is him. What will he say?
Moshe: "I have good news! God has forgiven the Jewish people! He would like to dwell amongst us once more. However, from now he will reside in a special place constructed for this purpose, it will be called the Mishkan!"
Immediately, a call for materials goes out. Over the next few day the donations come in. Gold, silver, copper and all sorts of precious materials. The resting place of God's glory must be a very special place.
In addition to donating materials for the Mishkan, people donate their skills as well. There are volunteer to be goldsmiths, carpenters, seamstresses or anything else that might be needed for the construction of the Mishkan.
Yet, no good structure goes up without a plan. What will this sanctuary look like? How will it be built? Who will build it? This is where you come in....you were chosen to be the architect who will draw the building plans of the Mishkan!