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Online Tutoring
Our Advantage

Online Tutoring

The Advantage of Tutoring is able to offers a number of advantages over traditional tutoring!

  • Tutoring is done by Rabbi Tzvi Daum a creative educator with over ten years of classroom experience! Rabbi Daum is a recipient of the prestigious Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award for Excellence in Jewish Eudcation as well as the author of the Midor Lidor Chumash curriculum published by Torahskills.
  • Tutoring is done in the privacy of your home or office via Skype, the learner does not need to travel anywhere!
  • The Torahskills online learning platform enables the use of digital tools as needed. For example, we can create screencasts or other digital resources to help students study in between sessions. (Note: Recordings or the creation of additional resources is not guaranteed and may involve additional fees.)

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