Current Online Courses
Shmuel Aleph - A sample course for the first few perakim of Shmuel Aleph. The course includes resources such as audio translations, quizzes, crosswords, forums and advanced question for High School aged students.
Megillat Esther - A course on the Book of Esther for day school students.
Rashi Script - This self paced course makes use of games, flashcards, quizzes and presentation software which enable students to recognize Rashi letters.
Key Words in Sefer Beraishit - A series of quizzes on words which appear ten times or more in the first book of the Torah.
Note: To view quizzes you need to sign in with a username and password.
To view a list of all courses on the site, please click here. Courses might not be enrollable or might require an enrollment key.