The Courtyard
The dimensions of the courtyard can be found in Shemot Perek 27 Psukim 9-19.
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Your job is to determine the following dimensions of the courtyard. 
- How long was the wall on southern side of the courtyard? (posuk 9)
- How many pillars did the southern wall have? (posuk 10)
- How much space was there in between each pillar? (see Rashi).
- Was the northern wall the same length as the southern wall? (psukim 11-12)
- How wide was the courtyard on the western side? (posuk 12)
- How wide was the courtyard on the Eastern side? (posuk 13)
- In what way were the walls on the eastern side different than the wall on the western side? (psukim 14-16)
- Where was the door? How many pillars were associated with it? (posuk 16 and Rashi posuk 13)
Please click here to download the question sheet.
For a picture of the courtyard click below.
Diagram of Courtyard 01
Diagram of Courtyard 02
Image of Curtains surrounding Courtyard
Image of Courtyard 01
Image of Courtyard 02
Image of Courtyard 03
Image of Courtyard 04
Did you have any difficulties? What were they? In what way were some of the pictures different?