The Holy of Holies
The dimensions of the Holy of Holies (קודש הקדשים) is not specifically mentioned in the Torah. However the Torah does hint to its dimensions and Rashi helps us out with this.
Begin by reading Shemot 26 psukim 31-35. If you need a translation you can try or
Let us take a look at the curtain which was placed on one side of the Holy of Holies.
- Upon how many beams were the curtains placed? (verse 32)
- Under what was this curtain placed? (verse 33)
- What purpose did the curtain serve? (verse 33)
- According to Rashi in verse 32 (some editions of Rashi have it in verse 31) what were the dimensions of the Holy of Holies?
The Aron
The aron is discussed in Chapter 25 verses 10-22.

- What was the width and length of the aron? (verse 10)
- What was placed inside the rings of the aron? (verse 14)
- Where was the aron placed? (chapter 26 verse 33)
Please click here to download the question sheet.
For a picture of the holy of holies and/or the aron click below.
Diagram of Holy of Holies 01
Diagram of Holy of Holies 02
Image of Aron