

Step Five - Outside: The Copper Altar and the Ki'yor



The Copper Altar and the Ki'yor

The only two vessels located outside the Mishkan but within the courtyard was the Copper Altar and the Ki'yor (the washing basin).

The Copper Altar is described in Shemot chapter 27 verses 1-8. If you need a translation you can try Chabad.org or Mechon-Mamre.org. What were the dimensions of the Copper Altar? How wide was it? How long was it? (posuk 1)

  1. Did the Copper Altar have poles for carrying it? (psukim 6-7)
  2. Why did the Copper Altar utilize a ramp instead of steps? (see Shemot chapter 20 posuk 23 - extra credit what does Rashi learn from this?)
  3. What were the dimensions of this ramp? How long was it? On what side of the altar was it located? (see end of Rashi on chapter 27 posuk 5) Note: According to tradition, the ramp was located ten amot in front of the entrance to the Mishkan and was either five or three amot wide.
  4. Where was the Ki'yor located? (see chapter 30 posuk 18 and Rashi)

Please click here to download the question sheet.

For images and diagrams of the Copper Altar and the Ki'yor click below.

Diagram of Courtyard 01

Diagram of Courtyard 02

Image of Courtyard 01

Image of Courtyard 02

Image of Courtyard 03

Image of Copper Altar 01

Image of Copper Altar 02

Diagram of Copper Altar

Diagram of Ki'yor

Image of Ki'yor 01

Image of Ki'yor 02